
作者:小木老师来源:朗阁教育时间:2020-07-08 10:28:19


In many countries, people wear more western-style clothes (suits and jeans) than their traditional clothes. Why? Is it a positive or negative development? 








2. 这个趋势的负面影响:




western style:这个词一出,很多人可以很自然的联想到文化的同化,从而第二个问题很容易设定答案为不同意。

suits and jeans:关于衣服可能比较抽象,大家比较陌生,但是从牛仔裤和西装这样功能性显明的服装类型下手,比较容易找的切入点。如果可以进一步联想到西方文化为何如此强势的原因*个问题的答案基本上就很明显了。




Western clothing styles have widely conquered the hearts and closets of people all over the world, especially suits and jeans which have found their place in the wardrobes of the rich and the poor, celebrities and common people.  There are several reasons behind this pervasive dressing style.  

Clothing styles change over time for a variety of reasons.  Although environmental changes can have drastic effects, trade causes the quickest shifts in a culture’s clothing styles.  The prevalence of western styles throughout the world indicates the global dominance of western trade.  Meanwhile, cultural currents flowing through Europe also facilitate the spread of this clothing style.  Colonies with western settlers followed fashion trends back home and picked up the attire that way.  Other countries, such as Japan, China and Russia, willingly adopted the dressing style as a part of their modernization efforts.  They wished to catch up with and compete with the West and they believed that this required them to abandon many of their old traditions in favor of the new industries and styles that made the West successful.  And the shift from traditional wear to western attire bears practical and conceptual reasons as well.  For example, jeans are thick, strong and long lasting.  They require little maintenance and anybody will swear for its durability. Suits are prone to be taken as a symbol of the elite.      

On the other hand, this seemingly inevitable trend exerts negative impact on local culture.  Since western style clothes flourished in many countries, the traditional apparel industry has been radically weakened.  As textile manufacturing became more efficient and it is increasingly cheaper to purchase the mass-produced jeans and suits rather than spending large amount of time and resources sewing or embroidering, the traditional crafts and skills are gradually vanishing.  It is not uncommon that the traditional costumes have almost disappeared or are on the way to disappear under this pressure.    

In conclusion, the domination of western culture and the practicality of the clothing itself make it an inevitable trend that prevails many countries.  However, the loss of culture identity is indeed a cause of regret.


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