
作者:jelly老师来源:longre时间:2023-03-20 10:41:58




HometownHappy things
KeysSmall business
Outer space and starsMusic
JewelryStaying up late
Morning timeSinging
TechnologySocial Media
NamesPublic transportation

Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)


Describe an actor or actress whom you admire.

Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with.

Describe an interesting old person you met.

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.

Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably.

Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants.

Describe a person you know who is from a different culture.

Describe a friend from childhood.

Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.


Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time.

Describe a noisy place you have been to.

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted.

Describe a new development in the area where you live (shopping mall, park …).

Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax.

Describe a popular place for sports that you’ve been to.

Describe the home of someone you know well and often visit.

Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/tourists.


Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.

Describe a website you often visit.

Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.

Describe a historical period you would like to know more.

Describe an advertisement you don’t like.

Describe something you would like to learn in the future.

Describe a program you like to watch.

Describe a photo you took that you are proud of.

Describe an object that you think is beautiful.

Describe a story or novel you have heard about that you found interesting.

Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again.

Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college).


Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted.

Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.

Describe your daily routine that you enjoy.

Describe something you did that made you feel proud.

Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.

Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young.

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something.

Describe the first day you went to school that you remember.

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people.

Describe an unusual meal you had.

Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store.

Describe a time when you made a decision to wait for something.

Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment.

Describe a time you shared something with others.

Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently.

Describe a disagreement you had with someone.

Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic wastes.

Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed.

Describe a time when you needed to search for information.

Describe a time when you received money as a gift.

Describe a time when you over came difficulties in doing something and succeeded.

Describe a time you received positive feedback.



考前一定要熟悉话题,特别是必考题work or study/accommodations/hometown需要提前做好准备。Part1新题在准备时可以将话题结合在一起减轻备考压力,注意不要偏题,从自己的角度准备避免出现一些套话,控制在3句就好。







P1 *咨询/ P2 防火安全知识讲座/ P3讨论角色扮演/ P4 新西兰艺术家介绍


P1填空(旧题)/ P2单选+配对(旧题) / P3选择(新题)/ P4 填空(旧题)




p1: 1. 8.40 2. phone 3. art 4. July 5. gym 6. coats 7. cooking 8. camp 9. dentist 10. helmet


11. C. there have been changes in the building

12. A. the alarm

13. C. did not move too much away from the building

14. B. were unwilling to start the alarm

15-20 :

15. A. it should be done immediately

16. B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist

17. A. it should be done immediately

18. B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist

19. C. it need not take care much at present

20.A. it should be done immediately



31. painting

32. plastic

33. shells

34. electrical

35. photographs

36. pencil

37. Movies

38. travel

39. humor

40. loss





  1. 场景方面:场景方面依旧是主流场景(咨询、求职、课程讨论、讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在P1求职,P2咨询,活动及公共场所设施介绍,P3课程讨论及论文写作,P4动植物,环境,历史,*等各类*讲座。

  2. 机经:如需参考机经,以2019-2021年机经为主。


P1 新西兰某地农作物

P2 拥挤人口

P3 Map Wars


  1. 本场根据考生们反馈阅读和听力都非常难,很多学生反映阅读来不及做完。从题型上来看P2和P3都考察了配对题,此外还出现了summary的选择以及填空题。

  2. 整体分析:涉及农业类(P1)、社会类(P2)、人文科学(P3)。

  3. 部分答案及参考文章:

Passage 1:新西兰某地农作物



Passage 2: 拥挤人口



14-20 匹配

14.iv Problems that result in crowding

15.vii Definitions of crowding and density

16.x Nature and results of Calboun's experiment

17.i Other experiments on the base of Calboun's experiment

18.vi What cause the upset feel of crowding

19.ii The effects of crowding on people

20.viii Advice for crowded work environment

21-26 填空


22.male prison

23.personal space




Passage 3:Map Wars



A map of the world expresses a point of view. A correct model of the earth is a sphere - or an ellipsoid to be precise. Photographs of the earth from space provide comforting reassurance on that point. If you wish to know the relative positions of the continents and the oceans you should go out and buy yourself a globe and spin it around.

But a globe cannot be pinned to a wall or printed in a book. For that you need a two-dimensional representation. This is where the problems start since you cannot project three-dimensional information onto a flat plane without making certain assumptions. The arguments between cartographers mostly concern what those assumptions should be.

The simplest two-dimensional representation is a 'cylindrical’ projection - what you get by wrapping a sheet of paper around a globe and simply transferring the information across. This means it indicates true north and south. So, Newfoundland is directly north of Venezuela and it appears that way on the map. East and west similarly are also indicated correctly. Such a map demonstrates what is called 'fidelity of axis’.

One of the longest-lived cylindrical projections was based on the needs of sixteenth century navigators. Gerhard Kremer, a Flemish mathematician, produced his view of the world in 1569. ‘Kremer’ translates to 'merchant’ in English and 'mercator’ in Latin. And the Mercator projection survives to this day in many books and maps.

Mercator’s projection of the world also shows intermediate compass directions

like north-west more or less accurately. So, it is possible to conclude from his map that Brazil is south-west of Liberia and if you plot a course in that direction you will eventually arrive at your destination. No wonder it was appreciated by the early explorers! If it can be used in this way a map is said to have 'fidelity of angle’.

But fidelity of angle is only achieved at a cost. To make it work, the further away you get from the equator, the further apart you have to move the horizontal lines of latitude. As these distances increase so do the sizes of the countries underneath them. So, by the time you get to the North or South Poles the lines would be drawn infinitely far apart and the Arctic and Antarctic regions can scarcely be represented at all since they would be infinitely large. More importantly the relative sizes of intermediate areas are completely distorted; South America seems smaller than Europe whereas in fact it is twice the size. These changes in scale distort both the size and shape of countries. Given such defects, it is surprising that the Mercator projection has survived so long, especially as dozens of other more satisfactory projections have appeared since. One of the best known of these is the Aitoff projection of 1889, which attempted to represent country sizes and shapes more correctly. But to do so required a compromise - the lines of latitude and longitude had to be 'bent’. Fidelity of axis had thus been lost and you could no longer judge north, south, east and west so easily. Most of us, however, did not notice that these projections were different from Mercator. We assumed that all maps were simply factual statements.

Dr. Arno Peters, a German historian, was irritated by the maps he saw widely published, particularly by the survival of Mercator which he argued, gave a euro-centric view of the world. It shrank the developing countries since most of these are around the equator, and it expanded the richer countries since they lay further north. Even the equator itself is shown two thirds of the way down on the traditional Mercator map. Dr. Peters insisted that his map, which first appeared in 1985, has equal-area projection so that no country is given prominence over another, plus fidelity of axis to avoid the disorientating effect of bent lines of latitude and longitude.

Then there is the question of country shape. If you were to take a photo of a globe in its normal position you would find the countries around the equator like Zaire or Ecuador came out of it pretty well. They would be shown relatively large and with something close to their correct shape. But further north or south there are considerable distortions: Australia tails away alarmingly. Dr. Peters decided that the minimum distortions should occur not at the equator but at the 45 degree lines of latitude, as these are much more populated areas. However, this controversial Peters map does radically change the shape of both Africa and South America; and although all projections distort to some extent, it is clear that Africa appears exceptionally long and thin on the Peters map.

But the oddity of the Peters projection is at least partly responsible for its success, as there has been widespread discussion on the misrepresentation of country sizes in previous maps. The issues which the Peters map raises are relatively simple. If you decide you want an equal area map with fidelity of axis you will always get something resembling the Peters projection. If you decide that shape is more significant you will get something else.

The real value of the Peters projection is that it has made the world think about something that before was never taken seriously: that maps of the world represent a point of view just as do press articles or TV programmes or photographs. But it isn’t recommended that you navigate a '747’ round the world with the Peters projection or with any other single global projection they would all lead you astray!


Questions 28-31

Complete the summary.

Choose your answers from the box below the summary.

List of Words


There are more words than you will need to fill the gaps.

For four centuries, map makers have been trying to convert three-dimensional information as accurately (example) as possible onto a two-dimensional plane. However, each method of 28 _________________ involves a compromise. Thus Mercator’s projection indicates true north and south, known as fidelity of 29_________________ , but misrepresents the relative size of countries.To avoid this distortion, other cartographers rounded the lines of latitude and longitude. Dr. Peters felt that such maps presented a first-world 30 _________________. His map, with equal area projection, enables us to 31 _________________ the size of one country with another.

Questions 32-36

Use the information in the text to match the map projections [M A P] with the characteristics listed below.

MMercator projection
AAitoff projection
PPeters projection


designed for the needs of early navigators M

32 __________makes Europe seem larger than it is

33 __________maximum distortions at the poles

34 __________maintains greatest accuracy at 45 degrees latitude

35 __________most distorts the position of the equator

36 __________more accurately represents country shapes and sizes

Questions 37-39

Choose one drawing (A-D) to match each of the three projection types (37-39).



There are more drawings than names so you will not use all of them.

37 __________Mercator projection

38 __________Aitoff projection

39 __________Peters projection

Question 40

Choose the correct letter A-D.

40The main point made by the writer of this article is that we need to ...

A understand maps.

B understand map-making.

C understand that maps are not objective.

D understand the importance of latitude and longitude.




小作文:饼图  澳大利亚三个不同时期汽车的*量

大作文:Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us. Others believe that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  1. 本次考试 难度较低

  2. 整体分析

Task 1:饼图


  1. 本次小作文难度较低,考的是澳大利亚三个不同时期的汽车*量的数据变化,是动态饼图

  2. 在进行动态图表描述的过程中,同学们需要充分抓住数据变化的上升、下降、*点、*点等关键特征进行描述,同时注意体现动态图语言表达的同义替换和句型运用等;

  3. 另外,在描述趋势变化的基础之上,同学们也不要忽略大小比较,尤其是饼图,还需要格外注意占比大小的问题。


  1. Task 2 :历史类话题



从类型上来说,这篇考题属于双边类的文章。在审题中,同学们需要注意的是A方中的*词“nothing”,即完全没有任何参考或者教育意义;而在B方观点中,同学们同样需要注意的是限定“better understand the present”,则B段的论证重点应该放在为什么可以



第二段:很多人认为历史是没用的,他们认为已经发生的事情不具备参考价值has no reference value,因为*的*变化会使得人类不断面临新的情况和问题,而一味沉溺于过去的经验会让人们固步自封、甚至犯相同的错误stuck in the old ways and even make the same mistakes。与此同时,历史是有偏见的不全面的 biased and incomplete,人们无法完全了解真正的历史,自然也无法从中借鉴;

第三段:人们可以从历史中更好地了解现在。首先,现如今的很多问题并不是凭空产生的,而是基于过去的历史,例如宗教、战争等do not arise out of thin air, but are based on the past history, such as religion, war, etc,都会对现在的社会带来极大的影响。了解过去,可以帮助我们更好地了解现在。其次,从过去的历史,人们可以学习到经验,了解如何规避相同的错误或从*习到经验。



  1. 小作文:柱图等数据图仍然需要格外关注;流程图和地图也需要适当学习;



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